Monday, August 4, 2008

First official post

Well, I've finally given in and started to blog! I feel like everyone's doing it except me. Now that I am a mother, it feels almost like a duty to start one - LOL. I will try to update as much as possible, though to say daily would be a bit over-zealous. Things have been quite busy, of course, with a new child, new house, new life (not working and staying home full-time), etc etc. Although all these are true positives, it seems that change is always a challege; to adapt and to embrace is sometimes the challenge in itself - and to do it all with a smile! Our daughter, Hannah Elizabeth, now 7 months old, is a true blessing & joy in our lives. She keeps us very busy, and gives the definition to truly multi-tasking. Hannah likes to talk all the time, babbles, sits up and reaches for EVERYTHING in sight. She is a champ at nursing, still about 5 times per day, and loves her fruits and veggies. Hannah sleeps very well; usually 12 hours straight throught the night, with 2-3 naps throughout the day. Of course, she recently cut 2 teeth, so that meant LOTS of waking up in the night! We enjoy every minute with our precious daughter and can't imagine life without her and the rest of the clan - Victor, Vincent & Sydney.